Grandma's (Caregiver) Emergency Kit

    After Mason spent New Year's Eve night with my mom and dad, I realized that they need a new emergency kit. When he was younger I had given them a few burp cloths, extra wipes, bottles, etc. to keep on hand in case I forgot something. Now that he's an older baby (I refuse to call him a toddler until he actually toddles ;) ), I realized I needed to make a new emergency kit when I forgot some key items. Here is what I plan to put in his emergency kit:

Sippy Cups (3- 1 straw, 1 spout, and 1 disposable)
3 Size 3 diapers (his current size, when he goes to grandma's he wears disposables instead of cloth)
3 Size 4 diapers (one size bigger, to have the emergency kit last longer)
1 Plastic Bib
1 Washcloth (for faces and hands)
1 Cloth Wipe (for faces and hands)
1 Package Disposable Wipes (because it's nice to have extras ;)
Tylenol/ Advil/ Oragel (but watch the dates and don't keep in the car ;)

These are just a few ideas for an older baby/ toddler emergency kit....I think I might put this in my car as well ;). Please let me know your ideas too!

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