In January when Mason went for follow up with the neurologist a MRI of the brain was ordered. He came through the procedure just fine (including being sedated). Yesterday we got the results. They were definitely not what we wanted, but weren't totally unexpected. He has been diagnosed with cerebral palsy as a result of brain damage to the right side of his brain. My first thought was 'Thank God! It's not a brain tumor'....that was my greatest fear, that I would lose my perfect little boy. My next thought was my poor little boy :(. Even though I am very worried about how this will affect his life, I am so grateful that I get to keep him. My heart goes out to parents that get truly horrible news of fatal conditions.
Undoubtedly Mason will have more challenges than the average person, but with God's grace and the support of family/ friends he will get the best life possible! He has a wonderful team (pediatrician, occupational therapist, physical therapist, neurologist, etc.) to get him started off. Please keep him and us in your thoughts/ prayers for the long journey we have ahead.
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